Charges vary depending on geographical location and nature of the facility. Our distributor partners can either install it for you or help you find a qualified third party if you don’t want to do the work yourself.

Ongoing Savings

Companies are often really surprised at how much they can save. A typical company wrapping 50 loads/day by hand spends about $7,000 to $15,000 year on film and invests in 850 to 1,000 hours of labor to wrap those loads.

By transitioning to machine wrapping we’re able to reduce film costs by roughly half to two thirds. That means an average company could recover about $3,500 to $6,500 a year in wasted film!

Then, there’s the huge savings in labor – and injuries – that could reduce turnover. No longer are your workers wandering dizzy around pallets.

  • Using a machine to stretch wrap pallets frees them up to work on other priorities and, in turn, helps you contain costs.
  • Some of the highest rate of incidence for workplace injuries are warehouse jobs that require bending and lifting, hand wrapping for example.

A wrapper can drive savings by reducing or eliminating those risky roles.

Other Resources

3 Things You Must Know About Stretch Wrapping

Benefits of Machine Stretch Wrapping eBook

Checklist for Buying a New Stretch Wrapper

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